> From free trial to paid subscription.

From free trial to paid subscription.

Give you trial users the best experience through meaningfull engagement. In 3 sprints you will learn how to set up digital engagement campaigns that drive your conversion.

Workshop for

product marketeer, lead manager, email marketeer, marketing automation manager, digital marketeer

2 days

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Your gain

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id libero at sapien faucibus tincidunt. 

What is a trial?

Offering people a trial is a great way to either explore or convince them to buy your product. This is often offered for licensee based products within different industries. Get your free trial of Netflix. Or your free triaof LinkedIn Premium.

What is the problem?

There are a lot of free trial offerings out there. But how can you stand out? How can you make sure people use your product during the trial? The problem is a bad product trail experience: lack of communication and a lot of friction to use the product. 

The impact of
a bad trial experience

Having little engagement during the trial leaves you with a lot of effort to get them in, but little return on conversion.

Low usage of the product

Low value perception

No willingness to buy

A lot of effort to convince people

"Stefaan did a tremendous work in a very short time. He managed the 'Proefstraat' project form A to Z. Now we can harvest."
Wim Hox
Director Digital Sales & Retention, DPG Media

What you will learn during this workshop

We design together your trail engagement plan based upon a clear trail journey map. 

Customer Value. What is the true contect, problems your product solves.

Let’s map out the different user stories you want your trial users to explore.

Let’s map out the user journey starting with onboarding and define the different engagament streams.

Multi channel campaign flow per engagement stream according to the trial period.

What you get

At the end of the workshop, you can go straight ahead with the implementation of the campaigns. You have a clear view on the plan and know exactly what to brief.

Journey map

Engagement streams

Multi channel campaign flow

Content & asset selection

Customer value

Prototype design of emails and landing page

Data selection and triggers

Get 35% raise in your conversion


We design your trail engagement plan together based upon a clear trail journey map. You will be able to implement email campaigns to boost the experiece of your trail users.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Your Trial workshop

At the end of the workshop, you can go straight ahead with the implementation of the campaigns. You have a clear view on the plan and know exactly what to brief.

Proven framework

Ready to execute

Boost your conversion



Expert support optional