> Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Dive into the world of your customers

We want more business

In my 25 years of experience, I encoutered 5 situations why companies wanted to know more about their customers.

1. A product is not selling well.
2. We have a new product, let’s sell it well.
3. We are entering a new market, we need input.
4. We tried everything, still we loose marketshare.
5. We have a new marketing automation tool in place.

It all comes down to: “We want to do more business.”

No customer pain,
no business gain.

The only way to become successful is that your people, marketing, sales and customer service, feel the customer pains. Not just learning findings on a slide.

For this you need to start with the right context, the customer context, and step out of your product world. If you start your customer research from a selling/product context, you will be treapped in a tunnel. You will never feel the real pain.

Expert Services

Persona mapping & profiling

Empathy map

Context map

Customer research

Unlock your customer empathy

The only way is to make you think and feel as a customer, to have your “aha”, “got it” and “ouch” moments.  Not “hmmm” moment when reading a slide.

Stefaan is a great workshop facilitator and gets you to bring your persona alove.



Service Design Doing 



The only way is to make you think and feel as a customer, to have your “aha”, “got it” and “ouch” moments.  Not “hmmm” moment when reading a slide.

Stefaan is a great workshop facilitator and gets you to bring your persona alove.


"Choosing for GrowthUp is choosing to awaken the customer in you."
Ruben Scholtz
Founder All In Sales

Customer Deep Dive Program

All you need to know about your customers to build a successfull business. This program is the foundation of your customer driven marketing. It is a combination of co-creative workshops, worksessions and expert service.

This program is perfect for the following situations:

  • Started a new business
  • Developed a new product
  • Product not selling well
  • Entering new markets


Stefaan helps you out

connect with all stakeholders

clear customer value

strong relationships 

grow your business

Past projects
