> Lead Marketing

Lead Marketing

In 4 steps you get a continuous flow of qualified leads

Stefaan helps you out

connect with all stakeholders

a clear framework

strong relationships 

qualified leads

Qualified leads based upon service

I used to do a lot of promotional lead campaigns. Convincing people to buy or to try the product. Guessing what a good promotion or incentive would be. Or working out together with finance a whole price promotion structure. All well,  but it was really pushing the people. 

But now, the only way to get a sales done is by serving people. You need to guide them within the journey and build a strong relationship of trust. They need to see and know that you solve their problems.

Step 1
dive into
the world of your customer

It all starts with the customer. Who is he/she? The customer is never just one person. There are many persons involved, stakeholders

Get to know their world, not just your world. Remember. Your product is just part of the solution. 

The only way to become customer driven is that your people, marketing, sales and customer service, feel the customer pains. Not just findings on a slide.

Context map

Persona map

Persona profile

Customer journey

71% of buyers are turned off by content that seems like a sales pitch. 🤦

Step 2
define the content
your customers are looking for

Content themes. We map content to the questions in each stage and define the content themes.

Content audit. We perform an audit to identify existing content that can be used or repurposed in the different stages.

Content story board. We develop content storty boards which feed your lead engagement campaigns.

Content inventory.We build an inventory of content elements, new and existing, needed within your lead engagement campaigns.This is the basis of your content poduction.

Content framework

Content audit

Content mapping

Content stories

Step 3
to build relationships first

Marketeers tend to care more about KPI’s, than about the customer. Don’t get me wrong, we need KPI’s, but don’t stare blindly on them. Dont’t forget to put the relationship first. Avoid a bad customer experience because you are in a hurry to get leads. So avoid sending too fast commercial messsages.

Tip Start with persona identification and profiling. Learn more in my report Work on you data

build database

welcome campaign

lead nurturing campaigns

lead conversion campaigns

Step 4
spin your lead process wheel

Lead definition. First we allign on the meaning of prospect, lead, marketing qualified lead, sales accepted lead.

Lead profiling. Let us define the profile criteria for a lead ranging from role to interest.

Lead qualification. Let’s define the qualification criteria based upon profile and behavioral data.

Lead scoring model. With this model we can quickly identify leads that are the ripest for a potential sale and which leads should be considered a low priority.

Lead routing. We define what needs to be done per lead score value by marketing and by sales. Who will get which leads?

Lead profiling & qualification

Lead scoring & routing

Data modelling

CRM integration

Build your own lead marketing machine

The best way to get started and build your own lead marketing machine is the Lead Engagement Program.

The framework originates from Oracle – the Modern Marketing Approach. When I was working as a CX consultant I have this in 2 full days. But to be honest, it was too much in once.  So, I have reworked it totally and split it up into sprints and remote co-creatieve workshops. It takes minimum 3 days. 

The program is a build upon years of experience and principles from Service Design Doing and Design Sprint.

Past projects
