> Conversation strategy in your email marketing

Conversation strategy in your email marketing

Email marketing is all about building relationships on a 1to1 basis with people. Make sure you have a conversation strategy. We share 4 conversation campaigns.

People are fed up with marketing messages that are just pulling them into a database. It happens all the time. They gave their email address and then, … nothing happens. No email to Welcome, to say hey, to ask questions, nothing. It is like entering an empty store. They feel like being tricked. They feel like not being cared about.

The more this happens, the tougher it gets for marketeers to get new contacts into their database. To be honest marketeers might think it is, but it is easy as long as you treat the the new contacts as people you meet in real life. Starting a conversation.

No, marketeers need to see their digital engagement as conversations. They need to manage their commuication, like they manage their conversations in real life.

Introduce yourself, don’t assume

Like in a real life conversation, the first step is introductionto get to know each other. Marketeers assume people know thei company, know their products. But, this is just their brand/product ego speaking. People don’t know your company well, they even don’t know the people working! So share what your company stands for, your DNA. Show your people, what they are doing. At the end relationships between people is the fundamental of doing business.

What is your customer value proposition? Dscribe in one sentence why people should come to you? What is it that you do differently? GrowthUp helps you to find your true customer diamond.

> Discover the workshop Find your customer diamond

4 always-on conversation campaigns

I share with you a simple conversation strategy, consisting of 4 always-on email campaigns. (Always-on: it runs automatically based upon a data trigger. Once set up, there is no manual intervention needed). It starts with the Welcome campaign, after the confirmation email upon opt-in.

01. Welcome campaign

Introduce your company to each new contact. Share you value proposition.

Trigger: New contact in your database with opt-in

Number of emails: 1 to 3 emails

Content elements

  • value propostion & drivers
  • invite to explore interests & products
  • get to know your contact

Next level: If you have identified the persona or his interest, you can personalize your Welcome campaign.

02. Expert campaign

People want to relate to other people. Do a reach out by one of your experts.

Trigger: Following the Welcome campaign

Number of emails: 1 to 2 emails

Content elements

  • get to know
  • share your expertise
  • guide to take a next action
  • ask profile information

Next level: If you know the expertise or interest of your persona, you can start a nurturing campaign based on this.

03. Re-engagement campaign

When your persona is not acting upon your emails, check if everything is okay.

Trigger: Inactive contact who didn’t acted (opened) upon all of your previous emails (I mean all, not just the emails of your Welcome and Expert campaign) for 6 months.

Number of emails: 1 to 3 emails

Content elements

  • reconnect
  • share what’s new
  • manage preferences
  • suggest to follow other channels


04. Goodbye campaign

Here comes the hard bit for a marketeer. Cool down. Do not send an email anymore.

Trigger: Still inactive after the re-engagemennt campaign

Number of emails: 1 email

Content elements

  • check
  • show respect – stop sending
  • manage the preferences
  • suggest to follow other channels

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